San Diego Bay Wine + Food Festival 2021 - YES, IT'S HAPPENING! — Local Wally's Guide to San Diego


Local Wally's Guide to San Diego

Local Wally's Guide to San Diego

San Diego Bay Wine + Food Festival 2021 - YES, IT'S HAPPENING!

Things to Do in San Diego, Food Festivals, Things to Eat San DiegoLocal WallyComment

What happened? I mean, I’ve been going to the San Diego Bay Wine + Food Festival for over 12 years now but somehow I missed 2020. Oh yeah, that happened. That. Happened. Well, forget about it, let’s have a redo because the San Diego Bay Wine + Food Fest is back on the calendar for 2021 and my goal is to eat and drink twice as much as I normally do to make up for missing it last year. Don’t think I can do it? Eating is all I’ve done over the past year and a half. I can do it!

In case you don’t know what I’m talking about, the San Diego Bay Wine + Food Festival is one of the premiere food events in the country. Before we go too deep, here is the info you need to get tickets.




At a glance…..

The Grand Tasting Event is what most people think of when you say San Diego Bay Wine + Food Fest. Held behind Seaport Village right on the bay, it’s a food festival with samples of delicious bites and drinks created by some of San Diego’s finest chefs. Tickets start at $150 for standard admission, $200 for early admission, and $300 for the VIP admission. You can also buy a four pack of tickets for only $550.

There are also events throughout the week at other locations for the super fans such as The Grand Decant on Friday, November 12, (6 - 9 PM), a wine lovers dream come true where guests can expand their palate and taste with hundreds of wines, or the Taco TKO on Sunday, November 14, (12 - 3PM), where judges and attendee decides who makes the best taco in San Diego, livened up with live music, tequila, and beer.

And… new events are added all the time, like the Louis Latour Wine Dinner featuring six courses paired with incredible Louis Latour wines, the Grand Evening in Barolo, Barbaesco and the Langhe featuring an Italy focused dinner vetnt at Solare Ristorante in Liberty Station, or a lunch at Mister A’s featuring wines by Chateau Montelena.

Tickets are sold separately or in combination packs. You can see all of the options and prices by clicking the button. Go on, click it for tickets as well as the latest info on all of the events happening throughout the week.


San Diego Bayfest Wine and Food Festival 2021

The Grand Tasting Event is my thing, my annual event that kicks off the holiday season. What is it? You know that area behind Seaport Village the juts out into the bay? Well for one day they transform it into rows of booths and pop ups filled with chefs, wineries and assorted deliciousness and you get to walk around and pop everything you want in your mouth - again and again. And don;t think it’s going to be frozen dinosaur chicken nuggets like you find at Costco, these are San Diego’s best chefs making their most extravagant and impressive small bites. I’m talking about serious chefs with tweezers putting tiny touches on their scrumptious bites like they’re in the Top Chef finale. It’s that good.



Short Answer: Absolutely!

Longer Answer: I’m not going to kid you - going out of the house is expensive. But haven’t you been in your house a bit too much? It’s time to splurge and do something that you not only will love but will love so much you will be telling people about it for the next year. You can stay home anytime. The San Diego Wine + Food Fest, arguably one of the best food festivals in the country and easily the best one in San Diego, comes just once a year, or in this case, once in the past two years. This is your chance. This is your time. Trust me, if you love good food, if you’ve ever taking a photo of your dinner and posted it on Instagram, you can’t miss this event!

How do I get tickets again? That’s right, click here for ticket info.

Rick Bayless spots Local Wally

Rick Bayless spots Local Wally


  1. Come hungry.

  2. Bring your vaccination or Covid test info. Attendees must show proof of full vaccination or a negative COVID PCR test within 72 hours of the event at the entry of each event. At home tests and on-site tests are both welcome.

  3. Grab a tote bag but don’t stuff it with magazines and programs because you’re going to have to lug it around. Instead, stuff it with the delicious little loaves of bread that the traditionally hand out at as you walk in. I have a very light backpack that comes in handy that’s perfect for when I want two hands, one for food and the other for photos.

  4. If you can, spring for the early admission tickets. You’ll get an extra hour before the main crowds arrive. And the VIP ticket, while a splurge, does get you into the fancy tent with the live music and exclusive bites of the really good stuff.

  5. While it’s temping to stop at the first booth (one year that booth had crab claws), I always head straight towards the back where it’s less crowded and work my way back. Of course, if you see something you want and there’s no line, make that stop.

  6. Look for the “Easter Egg” experience - one year they had a secret speakeasy bar that was only accessible by walking into what looked like a Porta-Potty. No guarantees they will do it this year but if you see a suspicious line that leads to nothing I would pay attention.

  7. Talk to people, especially if they have smiles on their faces after taking a bite. While all the food is going to be good, there will be a few booths that will gather all of the crowds and accolades. This is the easiest way to find the booths you want to target.

  8. Bring a light jacket that you can toss in your tote. While the weather is normally excellent for the event it is on the bay so better safe than sorry.

  9. Take time to relax - you’ll find large grassy areas towards the back that are perfect for a glass of wine and people watching.

  10. When it’s time to leave, the Seaport Village parking lot can be a huge mess getting out. Uber is the best option, plus you don’t have to worry about drinking and driving.
